Harry really is the largest of the nursery teddy-bears.
Hiccup really iss the smallest.
However I did use some licence when putting them into an artistic form.
Simply, Harry was just too large when I drew them, and so I intentionally made the difference in size less pronounced -poor little Hiccup would lack any detail if I made him so tiny – the detail which I hope gives him character.

In all subsequent stories the size difference between Hiccup and his friends is also deliberately less pronounced.
Before I took this photograph of Harry and Hiccup, I did give Hiccup’s tiny sweater a good wash. Of course he complained bitterly about being too cold, but that was just Hiccup being a little crusty, but did cheer up when I had it dried and was able to squeeze him back into it.
When you get to know him better, you will find that crustiness is NOT part of his nature. In fact he is rarely bad-tempered, although with his misadventures it would be understandable if her were a little more waspish.

Excuse me a moment please, Harry has something to ask me.

I am sorry about that.
Harry is nothing if not prepared and he has asked me if I can tell you about Ivan and the story of when Hiccup met Ivan. I have told him that I won’t give anything else away yet. He and Hiccup must become your friends first and only then can he begin to share more of his adventures.
He has also asked me to explain what made me draw them all in the way I have done, and why I draw in the way that I do.
I think that I may do that when I write next time.

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