Hiccup asked me to give you some tips about coloring your picture of him.
I have written 26 books about Hiccup and his Teddy-bear friends, so I have drawn Hiccup a lot of times.
I use coloring pencils to color him and, you can use any coloring pencils, but you do need to keep a nice point on your pencils. I don’t think using felt tip pens is quite the right thing to use – the colors are too bright for me and I like to use shading which you can’t do easily with ‘felt-tips’.
For Hiccup himself I use 6 different colors to build up the color to my satisfaction, plus another 4 for his sweater. I like to mix the colors on the paper. If you are used to painting, you mix the colors in a mixing palette, but I can’t do that with the pencils, so have to mix the colors on the drawing.
Although you have the outline already drawn of the first Hiccup page, I have to draw the picture first very lightly using an ordinary pencil.
I do hope you enjoy coloring him, and I will add more for you to color in the days ahead, and I hope you like doing it as much as I have loved drawing Hiccup and his friends.

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