Fabulous Fionora’s Magic Feather

Papa, what is the book you are writing now called?’
Hiccup has had some time to think about things since I last added to my blog. It’s true that I am illustrating the penultimate book in the series of 26.
‘This one is about the Fabulous Fionora.’ I told him.
‘Do you remember her when you left Edward’s home?’
Hiccup remembered that adventure very well but also reminded me that he recalled Fionora too, and he enjoyed that, since it was full of magic. He really does love the times in which magical things happen to him.
When the last book is completed (that will be Galileo) I hope to allow Hiccup to have his own adventures which won’t be tied up with the 26 Alphabetabears.
‘I don’t mind having adventures on my own Papa.’ He was quick to point out.
I had to explain that it wouldn’t be much of an adventure if he was alone; and I think he understood what I meant. I do hope he does, I will have no peace unless he gets what he wants.
‘Before you finish, Papa, can you show me a picture of Fionora?’
So I will, and here it is.

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