There is nothing like having a break from the routine, as Hiccup pointed out to me.

‘Do you remember, Papa, how you wrote and drew pictures for that book of the ‘Ten Little Hiccups’?’

I certainly do remember since it was one I liked a lot.

‘Do you think Austin Macauley would want to publish that book too, Papa?’

Likewise I expect they would but we have to see how the ‘Harry’ book sells first.

‘Papa, do you think you should show people more of the pictures you have drawn, then more people would want to see me in my adventures?’

Hiccup never gives up. I am quite content with my little existence and watch the days go by. But Hiccup wants everything done now.

‘I know what you should do Papa – let some grandparents see the books, they seem to love your pictures. You could pay to show them more pictures of me?’

I think he means I should advertise.

He is quite right, though. Since the drawings are produced using traditional media, older people do like reading them to grandchildren.

‘That is a great idea, Hiccup, let’s do that.’

So we will and show ‘Eight Little Hiccups climbing on a gate’.

‘Are you happy with that, Hiccup?’

‘Yikes Papa, that’s brilliant!’

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